

Beligas HGH – Human Growth Hormones

Human Growth Hormones 10iu

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $449.99.

SKU:: FG-beligas-int5466-eu


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Human Growth Hormones 10iu

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Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $449.99.
Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $449.99.
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Original price was: $92.00.Current price is: $91.98.

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Beligas HGH – Human Growth Hormones

Beligas (Somatropin) is a human growth hormone peptide that is given by injection. It is made by a special strain of E. coli bacteria and a polypeptide made from recombinant DNA. This has changed because plasmid has been added. The gene for human growth hormone is in this.

How it works

As a bodybuilding drug, HGH Supplements increase lean body mass, shorten the time it takes to recover between workouts, and improve overall performance with less risk of being caught than other performance-enhancing drugs. HGH makes joints and ligaments stronger and heals hurt tissue.

It can also improve a person’s ability to use insulin and anabolic steroids for sale. It can also make it easier for the body to make protein.

Proper Use and Storage

Human growth hormone vials that haven’t been reconstituted should usually be kept in the fridge, but they can be kept at room temperature for short periods, such as while being shipped.

By adding a small amount of bacteriostatic, sterile, or sterile saline water to GH vials, they are made ready to be injected. For example, 0.8 or 1 mL of water can be used to easily dilute an 8 IU vial. In the first case, each “10 IU”-marked 0.1 mL of insulin gives you 1 IU of GH. So, it would be easy to know how much to inject.

You can also use different amounts of water, like 1 milliliter (1 mL).


Users say that the stimulation of the hypothalamus makes them have more sex drive and desire. Through lipolysis, some people lost belly fat and felt more energetic and alive. This product can also make skin more elastic, get rid of wrinkles, and help wounds or surgeries heal faster.

Side Effects

Pain in the nerves, muscles, or joints, swelling caused by fluid in the body’s tissues (edema), and carpal tunnel syndrome are all possible side effects of HGH use. Users may also feel like their skin is numb or tingling, and their cholesterol levels may be high.

Where to buy Beligas Human Growth Hormones

Whenever bodybuilders want to buy steroids online and a reliable source, it’s always expected that the steroids shop they buy from – Finest Gears, for example – has the products they desire. And luckily, Finest Gears has Beligas HGH – Human Growth Hormones in stock.


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Human Growth Hormones 10iu

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