

Testo® – Suspension

Testosterone Suspension 100mg


SKU:: FG-Beligas-UK-55885

CLASSIFICATION: Anabolic Steroid
DOSAGE: Men 350-1000mg/week
HBR: Perhaps
MANUFACTURER: Beligas Pharmaceutical
WAREHOUSE: USA Warehouse 1
SUBSTANCE: Testosterone Suspension

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Testo-Suspension 100mg/ml

Testo®-Suspension 100mg/ml is a pure, water-based testosterone formulation that delivers fast-acting results due to its lack of ester. It is ideal for athletes and bodybuilders seeking rapid increases in strength, muscle mass, and performance. Unlike esterified testosterones, it requires daily or twice-daily injections to maintain stable levels in the bloodstream. This formulation is favored for its quick onset but may cause injection-site discomfort. Proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential to restore natural testosterone production after use.

How it works

Testo-Suspension 100mg/ml works immediately and effectively after it is administered. It’s dissolved in water, not oil, making it more bioavailable. It also promotes health and weight gain after surgery, energy, chest and facial hair growth, immunity, fat loss, acquiring and retaining lean muscle mass, preventing osteoporosis (bone density loss), and possibly heart disease protection.

This test suspension promotes normal sex organ growth and maintenance. Secondary sex characteristics include chest and facial hair, a distinct jaw line, broad shoulders, and enhanced muscle mass.

Proper Use and Dosage

Testo-Suspension is typically administered via intramuscular injection. Due to its fast-acting nature, it requires frequent dosing, often 50-100mg daily or twice daily, depending on individual goals and experience levels. Beginners should start with lower doses to assess tolerance, while advanced users may increase cautiously. Injections should be rotated between sites, such as the glutes, thighs, or shoulders, to minimize irritation. Cycles generally last 4-6 weeks to avoid side effects, and proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential to restore natural testosterone production.


Bodybuilders using this product experience accelerated muscle growth and water retention. This form of Testosterone also increased aggressiveness.

Testo-Suspension 100mg/ml exhibits the best outcomes after 8 weeks of treatment. Experienced users had greater results by prolonging their cycle. Intense workouts with Testo-Suspension 100mg/ml increased endurance and strength.

Side Effects

Users of Testo-Suspension 100mg/ml may encounter certain side effects. This drug’s intensity is its worst feature. It’s heavy in androgens and rough on the liver. Acne and balding might also ensue.

Where to buy Testo-Suspension 100mg/ml

Whenever bodybuilders want to buy steroids online and a reliable source, it’s always expected that the steroids shop they buy from – Finest Gears, for example – has the products they desire. And luckily, Finest Gears has Testo-Suspension 100mg/ml in stock.


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Testosterone Suspension 100mg

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Good quality.The product is firmly packed.Good service.Very well worth the money.Very fast delivery.